Fried Pelmeni

Fried in Pan

Although referred to as “pan-fried,” these pelmeni actually go through a two-stage cooking process. First, they’re fried in oil in a hot wok for 6-8 minutes and then water is added; the wok is covered, and the pelmeni are left to steam for a few minutes, resulting in a crispy bottom, soft top, and tender filling.
Add salt pepper and spices to taste.

Bon appétit!

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Pelmeni boiled in water

Boiled in water

Pour water into the pan, add salt and spices to taste.
To make the broth tastier, add bay leaf, red or black pepper to the water.
Cook the dumplings for 6-8 minutes, sometimes mixing the water so that they do not stick together.
Serve the prepared Pelmeni by adding sour cream, butter and fresh herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

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